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Super Flex Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Super Flex Enterprises Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer in flexible joint and expansion joint and flexible sprinkler hoses. Our products are used for anti-vibration and expansion in piping system and relative to equipment installation. We also provide Isolation layer type expansion joint, special type joint,rubber flexible joint, universal expansion joint and vibration isolator that comply with the standards of the EJMA and have passed SGS product testing and our flexible sprinkler hoses have obtained FM Approvals from the US and Taiwan's National Fire Agency testing certification.

Super Flex Enterprises Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of flexible sprinkler hose, expansion joints and vibration isolator. °Ó¯§¥ø·~´£¨Ñ¦U¦¡¹j¾_¼h¡B¯S®í±µÀY¡B®ø¨¾¼»¤ô³nºÞµ¥²£«~
